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Adapter Concept

The Adapter pattern (a.k.a Wrapper, similar to the Decorator pattern) is a structural design pattern commonly used to wrap a pre-existing class. It allows a class to work with others without altering the core, by encapsulating it with an additional layer.

In practical software development, situations often arise where there is a need to integrate external libraries (DLL). The challenge is to incorporate additional functionality without affecting the core.

Consider a scenario where an existing system already has functionality for controlling a light source with methods for turning it On/Off.

Now, the goal is to integrate a new controller into the system. The new controller also has methods for turning on & off, but even if the method has same names, they cannot be directly used due to the absence of a shared interface.

Adapter Example

//* author: cian
//* 20231017

/* Adapter Interface */
interface ILightControl
    void Open();
    void Close();

class SomeLightControllerAdapter : ILightControl
    private SomeLightController adaptee = new SomeLightController();

    public void Open()
        adaptee.LightOpen(); //method wrapped.

    public void Close()
        adaptee.LightClose(); //method wrapped.

class MainApp
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var lightList = new List<ILightControl>();
        lightList.add(new OriginLightController());
        lightList.add(new SomeLightControllerAdapter());
        foreach (var item in lightList)

Personally, I think Adapter pattern is a common application of interfaces, especially for those who have experience working with external APIs. It’s easy to grasp the concept if you’ve experienced in system integration.


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