Home » Halcon » Halcon HSmartWindowControl MouseWheel event

Halcon HSmartWindowControl MouseWheel event



In the development of the Halcon window display, usually used HSmartWindowControl to view images and other objects. It can be quite troublesome to implement zooming using the mouse wheel.

Previously, I was writing my own code for zooming the screen. Dealing with the resizing of the window while using SetPart() made the whole things more complex.

It wasn’t until one day, I found HSmartWindowControl_MouseWheel in the object inspector.

Halcon HSmartWindowControl_MouseWheel說明
Halcon HSmartWindowControl_MouseWheel

According to the document, just need to add the HSmartWindowControl_MouseWheel event manually.

hSmartWindow1.MouseWheel += hSmartWindow1.HSmartWindowControl_MouseWheel;

It’s VERY Simple!!

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